Terms of Service

Memberlib Terms of Service

1. General Information

Welcome to Memberlib, a product of Arial Studio Ltd. By using Memberlib, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Service. Please read them carefully.

2. Eligibility

By using Memberlib, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and capable of entering into a legally binding agreement.

3. User Responsibilities

Users are expected to upload and distribute files and data that are legal and appropriate. The following activities and content are strictly prohibited:

  • Pornography of any kind
  • Violent content
  • Whistleblower content
  • Illegally or fraudulently obtained data
  • Content that infringes on any copyright laws
  • Hate speech or discriminatory content
  • Malware, viruses, or any other harmful software
  • Any other content deemed inappropriate by Arial Studio Ltd.

4. Account Management

Account creation on Memberlib is self-serve. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information. Accounts may be terminated or suspended at the discretion of Arial Studio Ltd if users are found in violation of these Terms of Service.

5. Product Usage

Memberlib is intended for use in integrating with newsletter providers to share files with your audience for marketing, growth, and community building purposes. Users must not upload any data that is illegal, fraudulent, or in violation of this policy.

6. Intellectual Property

Users retain full ownership of all data they upload to Memberlib. Arial Studio Ltd and Memberlib do not claim any ownership over user-uploaded content and will not use it for any purpose other than operating the product.

7. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

Users are fully responsible for any data they upload and distribute using Memberlib. Arial Studio Ltd and Memberlib are not liable for any data loss, accidental distribution of private or sensitive data, or any business impact or loss resulting from any breach of any kind.

8. Termination

Accounts may be terminated if any breach of this policy is detected or if users are found to be not conducting themselves in accordance with fair use or any legal requirements. Upon termination, user data will be retained for a grace period of 7 days, after which it will be permanently deleted.

9. Governing Law

These Terms of Service are governed by and construed in accordance with UK law. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms will be resolved in the courts of the United Kingdom.

10. Changes to the Terms

Arial Studio Ltd reserves the right to update these Terms of Service at any time. Users will be notified of any significant changes via email.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Service, please contact us at support@memberlib.com.